HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Hope everyone enjoyed the fun day! The Denton Family enjoyed every minute of the day! First, Uncle Mark and Nonna were visiting so that was exciting

for us! The day started with the men (Uncle Mark & Travis) going hunting. The rest of us stayed home and frosted gingerbread cookies. It was pretty much a sprinkle fest! After getting a sugar high by 10 am we all

went out to show off our biking and soccer skills! Makenna has finally mastered the trike and was proud to show off her new skill. Nonna and Uncle Mark brought some new soccer shoes for Taylor, so of course he had to show off his latest skills! After showing off, the kids forced Nonna on the trampoline for some fun! Boy was she a good sport! The men came home empty handed, but seemed to have fun and certainly got lots of exercise!

After naps, we got all geared up in our Halloween outfits. Taylor really wanted to be a Griz football player and I thought it w

as a great idea! As it got closer I realized that we were trick or treating at Eastern Washington University (Griz rivals), so I told Taylor he would have to choose a different costume for the university trick or treating. I feared him not getting any candy and ending up with a bucket of rocks. He agreed and understood, so he decided Spiderman for EWU and then Griz player for the evening. For some reason the day of Taylor de

cided against the Griz player but hung on to the idea of two costumes. Who knows what made him change but he was an Army guy by day and Spiderman by night. The mind of a 4 year old! Makenna was Mickey Mouse all the way! She was wearing Mickey for a few days prior to Halloween. We figure her picture is all over Japan! She was a huge hit with the Japanese exchange students on campus. They all came up and asked to get their picture taken with her. Litt

le did they know that she really isn't good in front of the camera. Lots of scowling, sucker sucking, grumpy Mickey Mouse pictures out there around the world!
After the university trick or treating and carnival, we came home to taco soup and hot cider! A few other relatives came over and we enjoyed their company while answering the door to trick or treaters. Taylor and Makenna loved handing out candy. Makenna was a bit confused at first and tried taking candy out of their bags and into hers, but eventually she figured it out

. A little Elmo came to the bottom of the steps but wouldn't come to the door. Makenna walked down and gave him a big hug. Luckily, Taylor was just a few steps behind with some candy. The kids ended the night by trick or treating at a few homes in our neighborhood. I'm pretty sure they had a sugar high from about 10 am until nearly 10 pm! Fun day filled with friends, family and food - what more can you ask for?
The last is a video clip of the kids. Makenna was happily yelling Happy Halloween and so I thought I'd capture it in video mode...so much for that idea! As you can see, she clearly has a mind of her own. I just wanted her to repeat once what she was just doing over and over again, but no. Oh well, this one makes me laugh!
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